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Board Game Night

posted by Shiva Sanei on Feb. 25, 2021, 12:50 p.m.

Hello CSSS Members, 

We’ll be hosting a Virtual Board Game Night on February 26thstarting at 6pm, where we’ll be hosting Jackbox games, skribbl.io,Tabletop Simulator, netgames.io, Cards against Humanity and Among Us. 


To recap, here are the details of the event again:

Event: Virtual Board Game Night

Date: Friday, February 26th, 2021

Location: CSSS Discord using the #room-0,  #room-1,  #room-2 

Starting Time: 6:00 PM 


As always, this event is open to everyone, so invite your friends to the CSSS Discord Server! 

For your convenience, here is a link to our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/sfucsss

We hope to see you soon


Shiva Sanei

Assistant Director of Events | Computing Science Student Society

The Teaching Talks | Listening to the students' voices

posted by Mitchell Gale on Feb. 23, 2021, 8 p.m.

Hi All!

How are things going with the current learning and teaching situation for you?

The FAS TTT (The Teaching Talks) and CSSS invite students and faculty to participate in a conversation session:  “Listening to the Students’ Voices”.

This is an informal conversation on how the online learning experience has been from your perspective. Help improve how SFU FAS delivers education during and beyond Covid-19 by sharing feedback, issues, and suggestions.

Take a break, come chat, and get a chance towin one of ten $20 giftcards generously funded by the FAS Dean’s office (note that gift cards are for current students only)!

When: 2021 March 4th (next Thursday), 4:30pm.

Where: Zoom link to be sent closer to the date. 

Please indicate your availability by RVSP-ing:http://websurvey.sfu.ca/survey/394314762 

This event is co-organized by the FAS FTF (Faculty Teaching Fellows) and the student societies of FAS.


Mitchell Gale
Computing Science Student Society

Coffee and Code

posted by Shiva Sanei on Feb. 22, 2021, 1:17 p.m.

Dear CSSS Members,


Distributed Compute Labs, SFU CSSS, and U of M .devClub are coming together to bring you an awesome series of events and workshops that will introduce you to the world of machine learning and distributed computing.


Psst Calling all aspiring Programmers, Data Scientists and Machine Learning experts: 


We have an exciting new series of virtual interactive events just for you! 

OnMarch 13th, join us for a day full of hands-on workshops where you will have the opportunity to learn new in-demand tech skills in Machine Learning and Distributed Computing (and get badges for your LinkedIn & resume), meet industry professionals in**better than your average** networking sessions, complete challenges and win prizes.

Oh, and did we mention you will also get exclusive beta access to the Distributed Computer: a powerful and easy to use distributed computing platform.


Keep reading below for more about the full schedule, exciting workshops and sessions we have planned for you!

Got questions? We have an FAQ on ourEventbrite or you can join ourdiscord server, where we will be happy to answer right away!


Previous computer science and or programming knowledge is encouraged as we will not be offering a complete beginners track but if you are newer to JavaScript we have a special workshop for you.



What: A day full of learning, networking, and fun challenges. 

For the morning sessions, you will get to choose from a few cutting-edge, hands-on workshops. Topics range from machine learning, intro to JavaScript to distributed computing.

At lunch, you will get to network with some kick-ass developers, industry professionals,  and data scientists in a fun and non-intimidating environment. We will close off the day with some fun challenges and prizes. 

Where: Registerhere and join us on ourdiscord for a day filled with fun, learning and playing.

When: March 13th, 11 am - 4 pm PST

Why: Acquire new knowledge and skills, make new friends and win prizes!


Registration Site:

Sign up oneventbrite and be sure to join ourdiscord!

Best Regards,


Shiva Sanei

Assistant Director of Events | Computing Science Student Society

[CSSS] General Meeting Announcement: Feb 24, 2021

posted by Dusan Kovacevic on Feb. 18, 2021, 12:38 p.m.

Salutations All,


This is notice for the next CSSS General Meeting that will be happening next week on Wednesday, Feb 24th.


Location Details:

Day: Feb 24th, 2020

Time: 5:30pm-6:30pm

Location: Online on the CSSS Discord in the #General_Meetings Voice Channel


The following is the Agenda:

- Report of Officers

- Announcements

- Mountain Madness Debrief

- Open Floor

- Approval of Minutes


You are automatically a member of the CSSS if:


    A declared CMPT Major, Minor, or Honours in any program of study offered at the undergraduate level by the School of Computing Science;

    or currently enrolled in any undergraduate course offered by the School of Computing Science; or are an Honorary Member of the Society


Voting restricted to Members only.



Dusan Kovacevic

CSSS | Director of Archives

Movie Night

posted by Shiva Sanei on Feb. 11, 2021, 4:55 p.m.

Hello CSSS Members, 

We hope all of you are doing well!

On February 12th, starting at 6pm, we’ll be hosting a Movie Night. We’ll be playing one movie which will be voted by the viewers on discord on the day of the event! Here are the current options for the movie:

Movies:  Kung Fu Panda, MegaMind, Castle in the Sky, Red, 21 Jump Street,To All the Boys i've Loved Before, All the Bright Places, Falling inn Love, Interstellar, Inception

To recap, here are the details of the event again:

Event: Movie Night

Date: Friday,  February 12th, 2021

Location: CSSS Discord using the #room-0

Starting Time: 6:00 PM 


As always, this event is open to everyone, so invite your friends to the CSSS Discord Server! 

For your convenience, here is a link to our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/sfucsss

We hope to see you soon


Shiva Sanei

Assistant Director of Events | Computing Science Student Society

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