Hi, I'd like to announce my running for Vice President of the CSSS. If you don't know who I am, my name is Vijender Bakhshi, but most of you probably know me as VJ. I'm a 3rd year computing science student, I am also the current Treasurer for the CSSS. Ever since starting here at SFU I've been attending meetings and involving myself with the society because I saw something that I hadn't before. I saw a group of like minded students that made a difference to the lives of their peers and fellow students, and I knew that I wanted to be part of that.
Before I get to why I think I would make a great VP I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Paul W. Allan for all that he has done for our society in both the little time he's been the VP as well as all times he's held positions in the past. And even now he continues to help with sage like advice from time to time. Once again thank you Paul.
Now moving on the part where I talk about myself. I think I would make a great vice president not only because I am prepared to sacrifice my personal time for the time commitments needed for the job, but also because I think my past experiences have taught means to be a leader. I'm no stranger to taking on high maintenance jobs. In the past I've been the lead sound technician in a play, that entailed a lot of organizational tasks, communicating between the different departments (lighting, drama, administration, and the actors themselves), there was a lot of telling people to get their shit done. I've also been an editor for my high school yearbook twice, once with an official position and the other not due to an injury. This job was mostly making sure the entire layout team was meeting deadlines and not slacking off. Essentially a lot of yelling at people, envision J Jonah Jameson from the Raimi era Spiderman movies, except Indian and without the cigar. Both these positions in the past have made me no stranger to make hard choices and staying calm when shit starts to hit the fan.
My immediate goals are to put together our FAS funding request package and to ensure that everything entailing that goes on without a hitch. I would also like to update and finalize the changes to our outdated constitution, and to go along with this I want to put together our policies committee to update and/or remove some of our policies that are way out of date and no longer make sense.
My long-term goals involve working closely with the 2018 Silicon Valley trip organizers and leaders to not only learn about ways the trip next could be improved but also to start working on some documentation that would ensure the continuance of the great network trip for years to come. A big goal of mine is to see to it that the CSSS grows over all, and the key to this in my eyes is attendance. The work done by the CSSS in my eyes is very important. We act as the go-between for the students so we can relay information to the faculty about course problems and in turn the faculty tries to remedy some of these problems. The faculty also at times tell us about upcoming changes to the program so that we can get the word out so no one is caught off guard. Beyond things at the academic level the society also tries to bring everyone together to create a community where people can access each other for help but also just meet new people and hangout. So, in order for these things to continue well into the future I want to increase the attendance in both our general meetings and social events. A major factor of this will be making it clearer to the students what it is the CSSS does and how they can get involved and start making a difference.
The CSSS has done a lot for me and I want to give back in the biggest way I can right now.
Thank you all for taking time to read this. And the best of luck to all the other candidates.
VJ | Tb Orlbaq!
If elected I will be stepping down from my current position as the CSSS Treasurer but will continue doing the duties of the Treasurer until a new one has been elected.
I will also ensure that the new Treasurer is properly brought up to speed on how to conduct their job.