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Officers for Spring 2024 Term

Justin Yan photo for term 20241

President - Justin Yan

Start Date - 29 Apr 2023

Discord Nickname: Justin Y

Discord Username: justhelizard

Favourite Courses - CMPT 363 | CMPT 353

Languages of Choice - Python | C++

Contact -
SFU Email: csss-president-current@sfu.ca

Bio -

Justin is a (technically 5th year now) Computing Science and Linguistics Joint Major who is sweating a little bit too hard on his courses so he can hopefully get into Graduate School. You may see him often at CSSS and non-CSSS events due to the nature of him tending to stay long hours on campus every day. He identifies as an Arts & Social Sciences Student due to the Linguistics side of his major and his minor in Cognitive Science too. He also lives a mere 15 minute drive or bus ride away from the Burnaby campus. If you ever run into him on campus, you might catch him trying to commit another session of CSIL isolation to push his mental limits to get the copious amounts of work done that he is required to.

Jake Choi photo for term 20241

Vice-President - Jake Choi

Start Date - 07 Feb 2024

Discord Nickname: Jake Choi

Discord Username: sshmurk

Favourite Courses - MACM 316 | CMPT 354

Languages of Choice - R | C

Contact -
SFU Email: csss-vp-current@sfu.ca

Bio -

Jake is a 2nd year CS major who is still hesitant on whether he should pursue a Statistics minor or not. He can be seen helping his friends with assignments while struggling to do his own. When he isn't struggling with easy Leetcode questions or applying to co-op jobs, he enjoys creating hip-hop beats or spending time with his girlfriend. On most days, he stays in the common room until late at night, losing his mind over classes or event planning (like FAS Formal), so don't be surprised if you see him laughing hysterically. Despite this, Jake is surprisingly well-organized, extremely friendly and open to meeting new people, so feel free to say hi!

Check out his beats! (or not haha)

Gabriel Stang photo for term 20241

Treasurer - Gabriel Stang

Start Date - 01 May 2023

Discord Nickname: Gabe (geb)

Discord Username: gebdev

Favourite Courses - CMPT 379 | CMPT 295

Languages of Choice - C++ | Rust?

Contact -
SFU Email: csss-treasurer-current@sfu.ca

Bio -

Gabe is an nth year computing science student who is working on too many projects at the same time--oh huh, that actually sounds like a pretty cool idea. He's the current president of the Game Dev Club, and has a... 'complicated' relationship with Rust.

Sean Chan photo for term 20241

Director of Resources - Sean Chan

Start Date - 01 May 2023

Discord Nickname: josh (sean)

Discord Username: derpywashere

Favourite Courses - CMPT 300 | MATH 340

Languages of Choice - C | Rust

Contact -
SFU Email: csss-dor-current@sfu.ca

Bio -

Sean is a third year Computing Science major and will someday pick up an additional Math major. He can always be spotted with a latte in hand while tending to the vending machines. Feel free to approach him for anything resource-y. (pls open csil)

Patrick Peake photo for term 20241

Director of Events - Patrick Peake

Start Date - 01 May 2023

Discord Nickname: Patrick

Discord Username: .quicksilver.

Favourite Courses - CMPT 225 | CMPT 371

Languages of Choice - C | C++

Contact -
SFU Email: csss-doe-current@sfu.ca

Bio -

Patrick is a 4th year Computing Science Major. He's active on the CSSS discord so feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Micah Baker photo for term 20241

Director of Education Events - Micah Baker

Start Date - 01 May 2023

Discord Nickname: Micah

Discord Username: micahdb

Favourite Courses - CMPT 225 | CMPT 295

Languages of Choice - C | Go

Contact -
SFU Email: csss-doee-current@sfu.ca

Bio -

Hello! My name is Micah, and I'm passionate about all things in CS. I'm particularly interested in theoretical computing science, and am pursuing a minor in Mathematics.

Arya Faghihy photo for term 20241

Assistant Director of Events - Arya Faghihy

Start Date - 01 May 2023

Discord Nickname: Arya

Discord Username: the.main.man

Favourite Courses - CMPT 210 | CMPT 295

Languages of Choice - C++ | Python

Contact -
SFU Email: csss-adoe-current@sfu.ca

Bio -

Helloooooo, I'm Arya, ADoE here & President at the DNS Club!
I love CS 💻, Math 📚, and writing the most uncanny announcements known to mankind 😎
Fun fact: a cashier once thought my name was 'Aray'. Those who are well-versed in the lore behind this occasionally call me Array[]
Reach out to me via Discord || Email!

Isabelle Kwan photo for term 20241

Director of Communications - Isabelle Kwan

Start Date - 01 May 2023

Discord Nickname: Isabelle 🥝

Discord Username: kiwi.slice

Favourite Courses - MACM 201 | CMPT 225

Languages of Choice - Python | C++

Contact -
SFU Email: csss-doc-current@sfu.ca

Bio -

Isabelle is a 2nd year computing science student who loves dance, video games, and making new friends! She spends most her time at school helping others with their assignments while being confused about her own. If you ever see her on campus, give her a wave! She would love to get you as a feature in her newest video :)).

Yolanda Lam photo for term 20241

Director of Multi-media - Yolanda Lam

Start Date - 01 May 2023

Discord Nickname: 🤝 yolanda

Discord Username: smol_lamb

Favourite Courses - CMPT 120 | LING 250

Languages of Choice - Python | N/A

Contact -
SFU Email: csss-domm-current@sfu.ca

Bio -

Yolanda is a fourth-year student who might be an imposter from Linguistics. She put her CSSS honorary membership to good use and became an E@L in Spring 2022, and is now the Director of Multi-Media. Not to brag, but she is also the President of the Linguistics Student Union. If you ever see her on campus, be careful not to trip over her!

Dina Zeng photo for term 20241

Director of Archives - Dina Zeng

Start Date - 01 May 2023

Discord Nickname: dina !

Discord Username: dee.nah

Favourite Courses - CMPT 295 | MACM 201

Languages of Choice - Java | C++

Contact -
SFU Email: csss-doa-current@sfu.ca

Bio -

Dina is a fourth-year Software Systems student who got lost on her way to campus and somehow ended up at the CSSS. Recently, Dina has developed a crippling gaming addiction. However, none of her friends approve of her choice of games, namely, League of Legends and Valorant. If you ever need to find Dina for any reason, follow the "POYO!" echoing down the hallways.

Xutong Shen photo for term 20241

Executive at Large 1 - Xutong Shen

Start Date - 19 Jan 2024

Discord Nickname: Chloe 🐰

Discord Username: yoop_yoop_

Favourite Courses - MACM 101 | CMPT 120

Languages of Choice - Python | C++

Contact -
SFU Email: csss-eal-current@sfu.ca

Bio -

Chloe is in her 1st year at SFU, and is enrolled in the SFU-ZJU Computer Science and Finance program. During her free time, she enjoys listening to music and working out for the gains 💪. You can find her either in line at Starbucks or is the CSSS common room stressing out about her assignments.

Aiya Bowman photo for term 20241

Executive at Large 2 - Aiya Bowman

Start Date - 19 Jan 2024

Discord Nickname: Aiya DoR

Discord Username: aiyab

Favourite Courses - CMPT 363 | CMPT 272

Languages of Choice - Python | Javascript

Contact -
SFU Email: csss-eal-current@sfu.ca

Bio -

Emily Qin photo for term 20241

First Year Representative 1 - Emily Qin

Start Date - 19 Sep 2023

Discord Nickname: emily q

Discord Username: sideyem

Favourite Courses - CMPT120 | MACM101

Languages of Choice - Python | HTML

Contact -
SFU Email: csss-fyr-current@sfu.ca

Bio -

Emily is a first year student in Computing Science who is aiming to minor in business. She is always looking for new music and book recommendations, so reach out if there is anything that you are currently obsessed with! On campus you can usually find her studying on the 6th floor of the library or eating, since she is always hungry.

Hanguang Chen photo for term 20241

First Year Representative 2 - Hanguang Chen

Start Date - 19 Sep 2023

Discord Nickname: Han

Discord Username: w_tzuyu

Favourite Courses - CMPT 120 | MATH 150

Languages of Choice - Python | C

Contact -
SFU Email: csss-fyr-current@sfu.ca

Bio -

Hi! My name is Han and I am a 1st year computer science student. I like to sleep, play video games, and meet new people! If you ever see me in the hallways, come and say hi!

Dina Zeng photo for term 20241

General Election Officer - Dina Zeng

Start Date - 19 Feb 2024

Discord Nickname: dina !

Discord Username: dee.nah

Favourite Courses - CMPT 295 | MACM 201

Languages of Choice - Java | C++

Contact -
SFU Email: csss-elections@sfu.ca

Bio -

Dina Zeng back again - read my bio above!

Zachary Chan photo for term 20241

By-Election Officer - Zachary Chan

Start Date - 19 Jan 2024

Discord Nickname: NA

Discord Username: zach1502

Favourite Courses - Arrvindh CMPT 295 | CMPT 300

Languages of Choice - C/C++ | Tie between Js and Python

Contact -
SFU Email: csss-elections@sfu.ca

Bio -

Zachary is a 4th year computer science student. He has written 34 different sorting algorithms and 22 different chess engines of varying utility. Since no one has used the markdown engine, he will be the first one to use it.

Mabel Ling photo for term 20241

SFSS Council Representative - Mabel Ling

Start Date - 01 May 2023

Discord Nickname: Mabel 🐢

Discord Username: endizen

Favourite Courses - CMPT295 | TEKX101

Languages of Choice - Java | C

Contact -
SFU Email: csss-councilrep@sfu.ca

Bio -

Mabel is a 3rd year Computing Science student with an interest in IoT and math/physics. Outside of school, she can be found paddling with her dragon boat team, designing stickers based on terrible puns, and playing Tetris. (Will she ever hit SS rank??)

Jace Manshadi photo for term 20241

Systems Administrator - Jace Manshadi

Start Date - 01 May 2023

Discord Nickname: refundMe💰

Discord Username: modernneo

Favourite Courses - CMPT 433 | CMPT 471

Languages of Choice - C++ | Assembly

Contact -
SFU Email: csss-sysadmin@sfu.ca

Bio -

just here to have fun with python and jenkins.

Also reachable at app.element.io

Fork me on GitHub