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Faculty of Applied Sciences Virtual Game Night - Friday, June 18th

posted by Justin Yan on June 12, 2021, 11:39 p.m.

Hello all,

Firstly, it has been recently brought to my attention that a large number of people, primarily first year students, were recently added to the CSSS mailing list, which is the reason you are receiving this email. If this is the first email you are receiving from me, welcome to the Computing Science Student Society's mailing list. The CSSS hosts a selection of regularly programmed events, such as board game nights and movie nights that occur on Friday nights. In addition, we sometimes hold collaborative events with other DSU's; all of the aforementioned will be advertised over email and the CSSS Discord server prior to the event. Feel free to attend any of our other events!

On Friday, June 18th starting at 8pm, join the CSSS along with all other Departmental Student Unions in FAS for a fun-filled night of online board games, socializing and more! This event is a great chance to meet fellow peers in your community as well as those from different programs within the faculty. We will be playing various different party games such as Jackbox, skribbl.io, Among Us, Codenames and more all while having a great time!

To recap, here are the details of the event again:

Event: Virtual Games Night
Date: Friday, June 18th
Location: "Burnaby Mountain" Discord Server, see attached link
Starting Time: 8pm

As always, this event is open to everyone, so invite your friends to the event!

For your convenience, here is a link to our Discord Server as well as the "Burnaby Mountain" Discord Server: 

If there are any questions, comments, concerns or queries, feel free to DM justhelizard#1765 on Discord or email jya184@sfu.ca.

We hope to see you ALL at the event!

Yours truly,

Justin Yan
Assistant Director of Events | Computing Science Student Society
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Dr., Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6



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ProjectX Research Compeition

posted by Mitchell Gale on June 10, 2021, 2:54 p.m.

Hi All,

ProjectX is a five month long machine learning research competition for undergrads hosted by University of Toronto Artificial Intelligence Group ( https://www.uoft.ai/ ). Over those five months, participants will be working on their topic and writing a paper about their findings.

As long as you an Undergraduate student graduating after April 2022 you are eligible to participate.

Topics: (focused on health)


Clinical Practice



Fly participants to Toronto in February for their annual UofT AI Conference and $25, 000.

Timeline of Project:

September 1st 2021- January 31st 2022

Team Size:

1 team from SFU of 3-6 undergraduates

Link to last year's site:


Winning submissions last year:


If you are interested please write an email to


detailing why you are interested, past project experience in machine learning or artificial intelligence, planned work/course load for Fall 2021 and your resume. Also include when you are expected to graduate and if you will be able to dedicate time to the long commitment. This is a big project so if you plan to take a heavy course load in Fall this may not the best competition to participate in. If you are interested please submit your application by June 13th 23:59 PST.

If you have people you would ideally like to work with please include their names in your email. We may match people up to form the team.


Mitchell Gale

SFU Computing Science Student Society President


CSSS June 9th General Meeting

posted by Dina Zeng on June 3, 2021, 1:54 a.m.

Hi everyone,

The next general meeting for the CSSS will be held on June 9th! 

Day: June 9th, 2021 
Time: 7 pm-8 pm 
Location: Online on the CSSS Discord in the #General_Meetings Voice Channel (https://discord.gg/sfucsss)

The following is the Agenda: 
- Report of Officers 
- Announcements 
- Motions
- Open Floor 
- Approval of Minutes 

Here is a copy of the meeting minutes from the last general meeting. Please take a look through it and comment if there is anything I should change :) https://docs.google.com/document/d/140eywduSFDJHLqzjzt4DpqUltA0F0r1nuLpASBZYICQ/edit?usp=sharing
COMPUTER SCIENCE STUDENT SOCIETY (CSSS) May 2021 Meeting Minutes Wednesday | May 26, 2021 Location: Discord Meeting Chair: Shiva Sanei Meeting Minutes: Dina Hui Zeng ATTENDEES CORE EXECUTIVES Mitchell Gale President Shiva Sanei Vice-President Dina Hui Zeng Director o...

You are automatically a member of the CSSS if you are a declared CMPT Major, Minor, or Honours in any program of study offered at the undergraduate level by the School of Computing Science; or currently enrolled in any undergraduate course offered by the School of Computing Science; or are an Honorary Member of the Society.

Voting restricted to Members only. 

Hope to see you there! 

Dina Zeng 
Director of Archives 
Computer Science Student Society 

Virtual Games Night (Collab with SUS) - Friday June 4th

posted by Justin Yan on May 31, 2021, 4:47 p.m.

Hello fellow CSSS Members, 

As we ease into the stress pace of our fourth consecutive online semester, the CSSS would like to bring you to the very first collaboration of the semester! OnFriday, June 4th starting at 6pm, join the CSSS, along with the SUS (Science Undergraduate Society) in a fun-filledVirtual Games Night. The event is a great opportunity to satisfy your craving of party games like Jackbox or skribbl.io while meeting up with people in your program, as well as those from other programs!

To recap, here are the details of the event again:

Event: Virtual Games Night
Date: Friday, June 4th
Location: SUS Discord Server, see attached link
Starting Time: 6pm
As always, this event is open to everyone, so invite your friends to the event!

For your convenience, here is a link to our Discord Server as well as the SUS Discord Server: 

We hope to see you soon!


Justin Yan
Assistant Director of Events | Computing Science Student Society
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Dr., Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6



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Movie Night - Friday May 28th

posted by Justin Yan on May 25, 2021, 8:10 p.m.

Hello CSSS Members, 

On Friday, May 28th, starting at 6.30pm, we’ll be hosting a Movie Night. We’ll be playing one or two movies which will be voted by the viewers on discord on the day of the event, with a break between the movies! Here are the current options for movies:

Movies:  Oz the Great and Powerful, CMPT 127 Hours, Into the Wild, Akira, 21 Jump Street, (insert titles suggested by members)

Additionally, if any of you have any suggestions for a movie to be added into the poll on Friday, please DM @justhelizard#1765 on Discord!

To recap, here are the details of the event again:

Event: Movie Night
Date: Friday, May 28th, 2021
Location: CSSS Discord using #room-0, #room-1 or #room-2 
Starting Time: 6.30pm
As always, this event is open to everyone, so invite your friends to the CSSS Discord Server! 

For your convenience, here is a link to our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/sfucsss

We hope to see you soon!


Justin Yan
Assistant Director of Events | Computing Science Student Society
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Dr., Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6



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