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CSSS TRIVIA NIGHT - Friday July 25th

posted by Justin Yan on June 21, 2021, 5:19 p.m.

Hello fellow CSSS Members, 

Are you eager to test your knowledge on arbitrary facts and information? Would you like to compete for real, monetary prizes? OnFriday, June 25th starting at 7.30pm, the CSSS will be hosting our very ownTrivia Night. We will be having 3 rounds, with a short intermission between each round, and a different theme for each round. Oh yeah, did I mention that the top 3 scorers from each round will win monetary prizes? Put on all of your thinking caps, because you definitely won't want to miss this event! 

The rounds are as such:
Round 1: Gaming Knowledge
Round 2: Slogans and Quotes
Round 3: Did we Learn this in High School? (General Knowledge)

Feel free to drop in for any round of your choosing, or stay and compete in all rounds! After the conclusion of all 3 rounds, feel free to stay to mingle, socialize, or enjoy partaking in virtual board games with other participants (if demand exists).

To recap, here are the details of the event again:

Event: Trivia Night
Date: Friday, June 25th
Location: CSSS Discord using #room-0, #room-1 or #room-2 
Starting Time: 7.30pm
As always, this event is open to everyone, so invite your friends to the CSSS Discord Server! 

For your convenience, here is a link to our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/sfucsss

We hope to see you soon!


Justin Yan
Assistant Director of Events | Computing Science Student Society
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Dr., Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6



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Daylightfully Distanced

posted by Shiva Sanei on June 17, 2021, 5:32 p.m.

Dear All,

We have another very awesome FAS-wide event to share with you all!

The Applied Science Mental Health Committee is happy to announce their very first event, "Daylightfully Distanced", to promote a healthy lifestyle by going outside and getting some exercise. Over the course of two weeks, you will be entering in how much you've walked/ran/jogged every day (with picture evidence). The program with the highest average distance in 2 weeks will be titled as the "fittest program in FAS" and will win our WWE belt until the next time we hold this event!!

When: June 21 - July 5 @ 11:59pm

Where: Burnaby Mountain Discord: https://discord.gg/rjWe9K6FsA 

Who: Students from CSSS, ESSS, MSESS, SEESS, SSSS 

"How it works:" 

- On the starting date, you will get to go outside and get those steps in throughout the day. 

- "@ 9pm:" we will send the google form in #announcements where you can enter in how much you've walked and picture evidence (ex: taken from your Fitbit or health app).

- "@ 11:59pm:" the google form will close. You will not get the opportunity to enter in your distances for that day after the deadline

- for your distance entry, it's important that your entry is only a number (don't add the units of measurement or write the number in word form. your distance will not be calculated if it includes letters) AND that your entry is in kilometres

- for your evidence, please provide a screenshot that includes the distance you've walked. This distance should match the number you've inputted. if either of two conditions are not satisfied, we will not include your entry

- this cycle will continue everyday till "July 5th @ 11:59pm"

- throughout the event, we will be posting and updating a scoreboard

- the winner will be announced on "July 6th"

Best Regards,

Shiva Sanei
Vice President of CSSS
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posted by Justin Yan on June 17, 2021, 3:46 p.m.

Hello everyone,

Just a reminder that the FAS Virtual Games Night is happening tomorrow night on the Burnaby Mountain Discord server! We look forward to seeing you all there!

Faculty of Applied Sciences Virtual Game Night (Collab with all FAS DSU's)
Starting Time: 8:00PM
Date: Friday, June 18th, 2021
Location: "Burnaby Mountain" Discord Server, https://discord.gg/cccQTrA3Mr


Justin Yan
Assistant Director of Events | Computing Science Student Society
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Dr., Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6



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CSSS June 23rd General Meeting Notice

posted by Dina Zeng on June 16, 2021, 9:23 p.m.

Hi everyone,

The next general meeting for the CSSS will be held on June 23rd! 

Day: June 23rd, 2021 
Time: 7 pm-8 pm 
Location: Online on the CSSS Discord in the #General_Meetings Voice Channel (https://discord.gg/sfucsss)

The following is the Agenda: 
- Report of Officers 
- Announcements 
- Open Floor 
- Approval of Minutes 

Here is a copy of the meeting minutes from the last general meeting. Please take a look through it and comment if there is anything I should change :) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_gw9rA7aZ_QmjuqftnJHjTJCnpV1PkjG0PGOBli7Km0/edit?usp=sharing

You are automatically a member of the CSSS if you are a declared CMPT Major, Minor, or Honours in any program of study offered at the undergraduate level by the School of Computing Science; or currently enrolled in any undergraduate course offered by the School of Computing Science; or are an Honorary Member of the Society.

Voting restricted to Members only. 

Hope to see you there! 

Dina Zeng 
Director of Archives 
Computer Science Student Society 

SFU CSSS Gaming Tournament

posted by Chun Kei Li on June 16, 2021, 5:38 p.m.

Hi all,

The SFU Computing Science Student Society (CSSS) is holding a CSGO tournament on the 3rd of July, continuing onto the next day. Here are the details: Date: Sat, 3rd July - Sun, 4th July Prizes: 1st Place - $100, 2nd Place - $50, 3rd Place - $25 Group Sign up location:
https://forms.gle/Y4oyyytFNV5ZNDsA8 Group Sign up deadline: 30th June, 11:59pm Solo Sign up location: https://forms.gle/CEzc5RAD2QAbjo6u8 Solo Sign up deadline: 25th June, 11:59pm Note: If you choose this option, there is a chance you will not get to play if the number of solo players is not a factor of 5 Sign up fee: FREE! Rules and more information: https://pastebin.com/94Jzuziu If you have any questions, please email me at csss-doe@sfu.ca or discord message Argus on the SFU CSSS discord server (https://discord.gg/sfucsss).
Best Regards, Argus (Chun Kei), Li CSSS Director of Events

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