Dear All,
We have another very awesome FAS-wide event to share with you all!
The Applied Science Mental Health Committee is happy to announce their very first event, "Daylightfully Distanced", to promote a healthy lifestyle by going outside and getting some exercise. Over the course of two weeks, you will be entering in how much you've walked/ran/jogged every day (with picture evidence). The program with the highest average distance in 2 weeks will be titled as the "fittest program in FAS" and will win our WWE belt until the next time we hold this event!!
When: June 21 - July 5 @ 11:59pm
Where: Burnaby Mountain Discord:
Who: Students from CSSS, ESSS, MSESS, SEESS, SSSS
"How it works:"
- On the starting date, you will get to go outside and get those steps in throughout the day.
- "@ 9pm:" we will send the google form in #announcements where you can enter in how much you've walked and picture evidence (ex: taken from your Fitbit or health app).
- "@ 11:59pm:" the google form will close. You will not get the opportunity to enter in your distances for that day after the deadline
- for your distance entry, it's important that your entry is only a number (don't add the units of measurement or write the number in word form. your distance will not be calculated if it includes letters) AND that your entry is in kilometres
- for your evidence, please provide a screenshot that includes the distance you've walked. This distance should match the number you've inputted. if either of two conditions are not satisfied, we will not include your entry
- this cycle will continue everyday till "July 5th @ 11:59pm"
- throughout the event, we will be posting and updating a scoreboard
- the winner will be announced on "July 6th"
Best Regards,
Shiva Sanei
Vice President of CSSS