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Alumni form LinkdIn talk + lunch event

posted by VJ Bakhshi on June 25, 2019, 5:08 p.m.

Hi Everyone, 

The CSSS has invited out alumni Bach Vo to give a talk about what you can expect in the industry and all the opportunities it holds. Bach Vo is an SFU alumni graduated from SIAT and currently works at LinkedIn. The event will consist of a talk by Bach followed by networking time with lunch provided. 


When: Friday June 28th @ 12:45 PM

Where: TASC 9204 East

Cost: FREE

If you're interested in attending RSVP here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/bach-vo-talk-lunch-tickets-64206299771

Even if you don't RSVP you can still come, the tickets are just so we know how many people to expect. 



Vice President | Computing Science Student Society

Fortinet Technologies Fourth-Years' Event Open!

posted by Winfield Chen on Feb. 11, 2019, 4:28 p.m.

Signup here by February 14!

The Computing Science Student Society and Fortinet Technologies is proud to announce an exclusive tour, networking event, and information session hosted at Fortinet's Burnaby location this reading break! This is the first event of its kind to be held at the company. Get a taste of life as a new grad at a global cybersecurity firm. This event is for our members who will graduate in the next two terms. Signup here by February 14! If that isn't you, don't worry - there will be other opportunities soon.

Date: Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Time: 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Location: Fortinet - 4190 Still Creek Drive, Burnaby, BC V5C 6C6
Price: $5.00 - This covers our expenses for this event as well as continued tours and industry initiatives in the future.

Perks: Unique networking opportunities, an exclusive tour of the Fortinet campus, and informative presentations with Q&A.
Spots: There are 28 spots left on a first-come first-served basis.
Notes: You're required to be graduating within the next two terms. Fortinet has very many job opportunities for new grads and is excited to meet with new talent!

*If you're confused as to why you may be hearing about this event again: this event was originally open only to selected members who responded to an interest survey - however due to changes in Fortinet's previous requirements it is now open to all members.

See you at our future events!

Winfield Chen

Vice-President | CSSS


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[CSSS General Meeting Update] Room Change

posted by Dusan Kovacevic on Jan. 23, 2019, 5:43 p.m.

I apologize for the last minute email, 

due to an error in the booking system we had to move our meeting to ASB 8836.

Sorry for the inconvenience,
Dusan Kovacevic
Director of Archives | CSSS

Signup for an EA Tour, Networking, and Q&A Event!

posted by Winfield Chen on Dec. 18, 2018, 3:03 a.m.

CSSS EA Tour and
                                            Events logo

Signup here by January 1!

The Computing Science Student Society in collaboration with Electronic Arts is proud to announce a combined facility tour, networking event, and questions-and-answers session hosted at EA Vancouver this upcoming January! We encourage all of our members to register for this unique opportunity - space is limited, but if you can't make it this time, this is only one of multiple upcoming industry events we've got planned! Stay tuned and register by January 1!

Date: Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Time: 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Location: EA Vancouver - 4330 Sanderson Way, Burnaby, BC V5G 4X1
Price: $10.00 - This covers our expenses for this event as well as continued tours and industry initiatives in the future.

Perks: Food, swag, unique networking opportunities, a tour of the EA campus, and an exclusive Questions and Answers session.
Spots: You'll be notified whether you have a spot in the first week of January.

See you at our events!

Winfield Chen

Vice-President | CSSS


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CSSS Secret Santa Event

posted by VJ Bakhshi on Nov. 17, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

Hello Everyone, 

For the first time ever, the CSSS will be organizing a Secret Santa event!

What is Secret Santa, you ask? 
Secret Santa is an arrangement in which a group of friends or colleagues exchange Christmas presents anonymously. Each member of the group is assigned another member for whom they provide a small gift, typically one costing no more than a set maximum amount.

Who can sign up? Any SFU student with a valid SFU email can sign up. 

What's the set price amount? $30 Max.

How do you sign up? Go to the following link and fill in the websurvey : http://websurvey.sfu.ca/survey/331445437

When is sign up?
Sign up will go from November 17th to 11:59 PM on November 25th. A confirmation email will be sent out to everyone entered the morning of November 26th, if you do not receive a confirmation by 10AM shoot an email to vbakhshi@sfu.ca to confirm your entry. The only way you aren't entered is if you signup without an SFU email OR if there was a typo in your SFU email. 

When will you know who you're gifting?
At 6PM on Monday November 26th an email will be sent to you containing information about who you'll be getting a gift for. Remember to keep it a secret! ;)

What should you do with the gift once it's been purchased? Hang on to it and make sure it's labelled and follows the rules outlined in the websurvey. We will be hold the gift exchange on Dec. 3 at 4:30PM in the ASB Atrium in front of the CSSS common room. Hot chocolate will be server during the exchange.

If you have any further questions, send an email to vbakhshi@sfu.ca and ask away. 

Treasurer | CSSS

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