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[CSSS] General Meeting Announcement: Feb 2, 2020

posted by Dusan Kovacevic on Jan. 26, 2021, 10:49 p.m.



This is notice for the next CSSS General Meeting that will be happening next week on Tuesday, Feb 2nd.

See Constitutional Amendments attached, notice was given last meeting.

Location Details:

Day: Feb 2nd, 2020

Time: 5:30pm-6:30pm

Location: Online on the CSSS Discord in the #General_Meetings Voice Channel


The following is the Agenda:

- Report of Officers

- Announcements

- Vote on Constitutional Amendments

- Open Floor

- Approval of Minutes


You are automatically a member of the CSSS if:


    A declared CMPT Major, Minor, or Honours in any program of study offered at the undergraduate level by the School of Computing Science;

    or currently enrolled in any undergraduate course offered by the School of Computing Science; or are an Honorary Member of the Society


Voting restricted to Members only.



Dusan Kovacevic

CSSS | Director of Archives


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OpFair x SystemsFair 2021: SFU’s Largest Virtual Tech-Based Career Fair

posted by John Wu on Jan. 25, 2021, 1:47 p.m.

Hi Everyone, 

This year, SFU Burnaby's OpFair, will be collaborating with SFU Surrey's SystemsFair to bring you another great job fair experience, in the comfort of your own home. The job fair will take place onJan 26 - 27 from 10:30 AM - 4:00 pm on Hopin. 

Here's a message from the OpFair x SystemsFair team. 

Seeking for co-op has been tough this year and we want to support you as much as we can! Join us tomorrow at OpFair x SystemsFair 2021, a collaboration between the Burnaby and Surrey cohorts of SFU’s Largest Tech-Based Career Fairs! 

This virtual event is open to all SFU students with an interest in pursuing a tech career, offering networking opportunities with a large variety of companies such as Kabam, PDFTron, Konrad Group and Zaber Technologies. Each day will also feature company spotlights where our gold and silver sponsors will talk to students directly and highlight the opportunities they have to offer, so be sure to visit both days! 

The MECS tech support booth will be opened for video and audio check prior to the event so do be sure to utilize this opportunity! 



Check out our Facebook event and other socials for more information: 


Make sure not to miss it.

John Wu
CSSS Director of Events

Board Game Night

posted by Shiva Sanei on Jan. 20, 2021, 2 p.m.

Hello CSSS Members, 

We’ll be hosting a Virtual Board Game Night onJanuary 22nd, starting at6 PM PST, where we’ll be hosting Jackbox games, skribbl.io,Tabletop Simulator, netgames.io and Cards against Humanity. 


To recap, here are the details of the event again:

Event: Virtual Board Game Night

Date: Friday, January 22nd, 2020

Location: CSSS Discord using the #room-0,  #room-1,  #room-2 

Starting Time: 6:00 PM 


As always, this event is open to everyone, so invite your friends to the CSSS Discord Server! 

For your convenience, here is a link to our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/sfucsss

We hope to see you soon


Shiva Sanei

Assistant Director of Events | Computing Science Student Society

CSSS award deadline tonight midnight!

posted by Chun Kei Li on Jan. 18, 2021, 6:09 p.m.

Hello Members,

This is a friendly reminder that the Spring 2021 CSSS Award deadline is tonight at midnight.

The $2000 award will be given to up to two students based on their contributions to the CSSS or the Computer Science undergraduate body. The criteria for this award are:
  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 at SFU and be in good academic standing.
    • If the student is a first term or transfer student, they must have an equivalent secondary school or college standing.
  • Registration in a minimum of 9 units of standard graded courses.

You should include in your application:
  • A letter directed to the Director of the School of Computing Science which details your involvement with the CSSS or CS undergraduate body.
  • (Optionally) your resume

Send your application to csss-exec@sfu.ca.
Please note that the deadline to register is 11:59pm PST Jan 18 2021.
After the applications are received, the awards will be made by the Senate Undergraduate Awards Adjudication Committee on the recommendation of the Director of the School of Computing Science in consultation with the undergraduate Computing Science Student Society.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reply to this email.

Best Regards,
Argus Li

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FW: The AI4Good Lab’s call for applications is open for women STEM students across Canada!

posted by CS President on Jan. 18, 2021, 1:43 p.m.

Checkout the opportunity below from AI4GoodLab.





To the CSSS at SFU,


I’m Christina from the AI4Good Lab. The AI4Good Lab is a tuition-free machine learning bootcamp for women-identified STEM students and graduates across Canada.


I’m reaching out to you because we are currently seeking applicants from across the country, and we believe that students from the CSSS would benefit greatly from the opportunities we provide. We have a PDF document available here summarizing key details of our program, along with a brief description below.  Please share this with students who may be interested!


The 7-week program takes place during the summer, and consists of a mashup of a machine learning bootcamp, hackathon, and self-directed team projects. It was founded in Montreal by Professor Doina Precup and Angelique Manella, and has been running since 2017 in partnership with the OSMO foundation and CIFAR.


Our call for applications is open now until February 15th and we are seeking applicants from across the country!


To apply: www.ai4goodlab.com/apply



  • Two locations, held virtually: May 3rd to June 22nd
    • Montreal program, our flagship that has run annually since 2017
    • Edmonton program, hosted by Amii, the first national expansion program of the AI4Good Lab
  • 4-week machine learning bootcamp
  • Special topic speaker series from top ML researchers, industry professionals, and social good leaders
  • 3-week project development for social good AI applications
  • Demo Day competition showcasing projects
  • We charge no tuition fees (small $75 registration fee for accepted applicants only)
  • Every participant receives a small stipend (location dependent)


Eligibility criteria

  • Woman-identified 
  • Located across Canada
  • Currently enrolled in a STEM focused undergraduate program or have graduated within the last 2 years from such a program
  • Strong math background, some programming experience
  • Interested in how AI can be used as a tool for social change


More details are on our website (www.ai4goodlab.com). Questions can be sent to info@ai4goodlab.com




The AI4Good Lab Team



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