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[CSSS] General Meeting Announcement: March 31, 2021

posted by Dusan Kovacevic on March 25, 2021, 11:39 p.m.

Salutations All,


This is notice for the next CSSS General Meeting that will be happening next week on March 31st.


Location Details:

Day: March 31st, 2021

Time: 5:30pm-6:30pm

Location: Online on the CSSS Discord in the #General_Meetings Voice Channel


The following is the Agenda:

- Report of Officers

- Announcements

- Election Results for Council Representative  

- Open Floor

- Approval of Minutes


You are automatically a member of the CSSS if:


    A declared CMPT Major, Minor, or Honours in any program of study offered at the undergraduate level by the School of Computing Science;

    or currently enrolled in any undergraduate course offered by the School of Computing Science; or are an Honorary Member of the Society


Voting restricted to Members only.



Dusan Kovacevic

CSSS | Director of Archives

SFSS Council Representative Election Results

posted by Shariq Ahsan on March 19, 2021, 2:21 a.m.

Hello CSSS Members

The voting period for the SFSS Council Representative for the CSSS is now over and the results have been compiled. There were 55 responses to the websurvey. 

I am happy to announce your SFSS Council Representative for the term of May 1st 2021 to April 30th 2022 is:Ryan Vansickle with 41 votes(74.5%). There was also 14 votes of no confidence(25.5%).    

Thank you all for voting and congratulations to Ryan. The elections for the other executive positions will take place at the beginning of April.


Shariq Ahsan
Elections Officer
Simon Fraser University | CSSS


Trivia Night

posted by Shiva Sanei on March 18, 2021, 2:38 p.m.

Hello CSSS Members, 

On March 19th, starting at 7pm, we’ll be hosting a Trivia Night, where we’ll be giving out a total of $150 Amazon gift cards.

We will play a total of 3 games where,

First place gets $25

Second place gets $15

Third place gets $10

To recap, here are the details of the event again:

Event: Virtual Trivia Night 

Date: Friday, March 19th, 2021

Starting Time: 7:00 PM

Location: https://discord.gg/tQgwdaPwNT

Please take a note that the event is happening on a different discord server!


As always, this event is open to everyone, so invite your friends to the event!

We hope to see you soon


Shiva Sanei

Assistant Director of Events | Computing Science Student Society

SFSS Council Representative Voting

posted by Shariq Ahsan on March 13, 2021, 4:41 p.m.

Hello CSSS Members

Voting for the SFSS Council Representative of the CSSS is now open. The voting period will last untilThursday March 18 at 23:59. Candidate speeches can be found at:

Voting is restricted to CSSS members. You are a member of the CSSS if you are registered as a major, minor or honors in the SFU School of Computing Science or currently taking a course offered by the School of Computing Science. You can vote at: http://websurvey.sfu.ca/survey/396172969


Shariq Ahsan
CSSS Elections Officer | CSSS

SFSS Council Representative Follow up

posted by Shariq Ahsan on March 11, 2021, 2:20 p.m.

Hello CSSS members

Please disregard the email I sent earlier regarding the SFSS council Representative nomination form. There was a mistake in the earlier nomination form. 

The nomination period for the SFSS Council Representative for the CSSS is now open. The nomination period will last until 23:59 on March 12th. The elected individual will hold the position of council representative from May 1st 2021 to April 30th 2022. If you wish to run please follow the procedure listed below:

  1. Fill out a nomination form (attached is a digital copy) with the nominee's signature and send nomination form to csss-elections@sfu.ca. You CAN nominate yourself for a position.
  2. Have the candidate send a speech to csss-elections@sfu.ca by 23:59 on March 12th.
    Note: a speech is required to be able to run in the election. Please try to provide it with your nomination form.
  3. If you would like to see examples of past speeches, please check out:
    Speeches will be posted here sometime today so check back later if you currently find nothing on the site.

The SFSS Council Representative shall: 
  • Regularly attend all meetings of council
  • Fulfill the duties of an SFSS Representative (Councillor) that are outlined in SFSS By-Law 6
  • Report on Councils activities during general meetings
  • Councillors are now legal members of the SFSS’ Board of Directors and have additional responsibilities

The Council Representative position is also a paid position. The amount has not yet been announced but it will be higher then the $35/meeting it originally was.

Apologies for the inconvenience. 
Shariq Ahsan
Elections Officer
Simon Fraser University | CSSS 

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