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[Virtual Event] - EA Virtual Info Session

posted by Sarbjot Mann on Sept. 17, 2020, 6:30 p.m.

Dear CSSS Members, 

SFU Career & Volunteer Services is hosting an info session with EA Canada. During the event you will be able to connect with a recruiter from Electronic Arts Canada and get insight into who they are, what they do and how you can join their team. 

The event information is below:

Event: Electronic Arts (EA) Canada Virtual Info Session

Date and Time: September 22nd 2020 at 11:30AM - 12:30 PM PST

Event Info: https://www.sfu.ca/sfu-community/events.html/#!view/event/event_id/14029



Sarbjot Mann
Vice President | Computing Science Student Society
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Check us out on Facebook and Instagram

Fw: Promotion Request - CMPT Peer Tutors

posted by Chun Kei Li on Sept. 16, 2020, 5:05 p.m.

From: CS Program Coordinator <cs_undergrad_program_coordinator@sfu.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 1:19 PM
To: csss-exec@sfu.ca
Subject: Promotion Request - CMPT Peer Tutors


I was wondering if you could help promote CMPT Peer Tutoring to your contacts :):

Would you like support in your courses? Sign-up for CMPT Peer Tutoring Sessions!

Your peers are offering their support for students in the following courses: CMPT 120, 125, 127, 130 and 225. 

Tutoring sessions will be conducted virtually. If you are a student in any of the above courses, you will receive a link to enroll in the CMPT Peer Tutoring Canvas course on Thursday, September 16th. 

Sessions start on September 21st at 10:30 am.

Thank you very much!



Chandima Silva
Program Coordinator | School of Computing Science
Simon Fraser University | ASB 9995
8888 University Dr., Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6
778 782 9972 | procoord@sfu.ca | www.sfu.ca/computing.html

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CS Student Software

posted by Chun Kei Li on Sept. 14, 2020, 5:42 p.m.

Hello Members, As the Fall semester begins, the period of free student software continues. This software is available through SFU as well as Github. Let me give you a quick rundown of the softwares and websites available to you that I find most useful.

CMPT Course Offerings (https://coursys.sfu.ca/browse/pages/cmpt) - A list of CMPT courses available, as well as archived emails sent out by the professor for each course. SFU Vault (https://vault.sfu.ca/) - google drive but SFU. 50GB quota. SFU Library Criterion on Demand (https://databases.lib.sfu.ca/record/61245132430003610/Criterion-on-Demand) - Netflix but SFU and free. They have a surprisingly good selection. SFU Free software (https://www.sfu.ca/itservices/technical/software.html) - Free software for all SFU students. CMPT software (http://www.sfu.ca/computing/about/support/csil/windows/how-to-get-software.html) - Free software for SFU comp sci students Github education (https://education.github.com/pack) - get verified and get some really useful project software
There are many more free for student software out there, but these are the ones that I find most helpful.  Please email me at ckl47@sfu.ca if you have any other resources that you find useful, and I’ll make sure to amend it to the list in the next helpful software list.
Best Regards, Argus (Chun Kei) Li, Director of Communications, SFU CSSS

[CSSS] General Meeting Clarification: Sept 17th

posted by Dusan Kovacevic on Sept. 11, 2020, 4:25 p.m.


The next general meeting, the first one of the semester, will be held on September the 17th and not tomorrow.

Sorry for the mistake and spam,

Dusan Kovacevic

CSSS | General Meeting

[CSSS] General Meeting Announcement: Sept 17th

posted by Dusan Kovacevic on Sept. 11, 2020, 3:47 p.m.

Hello all,

Just a reminder that tomorrow the CSSS will be holding their first meeting of the semester on Thursday the17th.

This meeting will take place online on the CSSS Discord(https://discord.gg/sfucsss) in the General Meetings Voice Channel.
Location Details:
Day: September 17th, 2020
Time: 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Location: Online on the CSSS Discord in the #General_Meetings Voice Channel
The following is the Agenda:
- Report of Officers
- Announcements
- Election of First Year Representatives
- Election of Exec at Larges
- Open Floor
- Approval of Minutes

You are automatically a member of the CSSS if:
    A declared CMPT Major, Minor, or Honours in any program of study offered at the undergraduate level by the School of Computing Science;
    or currently enrolled in any undergraduate course offered by the School of Computing Science; or are an Honorary Member of the Society
Voting restricted to Members only.

I hope everyone enjoys their Quarantined Canada Day tomorrow!
Dusan Kovacevic
CSSS|Director of Archives

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