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Friday Movie Night

posted by Shiva Sanei on Oct. 15, 2020, 7:49 p.m.

Hello CSSS Members, 

We hope all of you are doing well!

On October 16th, starting at 6pm, we’ll be hosting a Movie Night. We’ll be playing one movie which will be voted by the viewers on discord on the day of the event! Here are the current options for the movie:

Movies: Interstellar, Inception, Charlie and the Chocolate factory, Hotel Transylvania, Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs, V for Vendetta

To clarify, here are the details of the event again

Event: Movie Night

Date: Friday,  October 16th, 2020

Location: CSSS Discord using the #room-0

Starting Time: 6:00 PM 


As always, this event is open to everyone, so invite your friends to the CSSS Discord Server! 

For your convenience, here is a link to our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/sfucsss

We hope to see you soon


Shiva Sanei

Assistant Director of Events | Computing Science Student Society

Virtual Board Game Night

posted by Shiva Sanei on Oct. 8, 2020, 1:29 p.m.

Hello CSSS Members, 

On October 9th, starting at 6pm, we’ll be hosting a Virtual Board Game Night, where we’ll be hosting Jackbox games, skribbl.io,Tabletop Simulator, netgames.io and Cards against Humanity. 

To clarify, here are the details of the event again

Event: Virtual Board Game Night

Date: Friday, October 9th, 2020

Location: CSSS Discord using the #room-0,  #room-1,  #room-2 

Starting Time: 6:00 PM 


As always, this event is open to everyone, so invite your friends to theCSSS Discord Server

For your convenience, here is a link to our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/sfucsss

We hope to see you soon


Shiva Sanei

Assistant Director of Events | Computing Science Student Society

Adulting in University 101 Event

posted by Chun Kei Li on Oct. 8, 2020, 9:39 a.m.

Dear CSSS Members,

We all know that the transition from high school to university is difficult.  But fear not, for the Health Peers have just the event for you!

Introducing, the Adulting in University 101 Event:


Tuesday, October 13th from 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm 


This World Mental Health Day, the Health Peers are leading a panel discussion featuring a few SFU professors, such as Dr. Paola Ardiles (FHS), Dr. Lara Aknin (FASS), Dr. Diana Cukierman (FAS) and Dr. Brian Fraser (FAS). Panel topics include resilience in university, imposter syndrome and general tips on adulting. 

You can have your burning questions answered by our panelists during the live Q&A session and learn more about the resources available to you through SFU Health & Counselling Services. 

To register for this event, visit the Eventbrite page:http://i.sfu.ca/dyzTve

Best Regards,

attachment 1

[CSSS] General Meeting Modification: 5:30 PM Tomorrow

posted by Dusan Kovacevic on Oct. 7, 2020, 10:21 p.m.

Hello Members,

The meeting tomorrow has been moved from 4:30 PM (October 8th) to 5:30 PM (October 8th)


Dusan Kovacevic

RE: [CSSS] General Meeting Announcement: October 8th

posted by Dusan Kovacevic on Oct. 2, 2020, 1:02 a.m.

Hello CSSS Members,


Please note the following addendum to the agenda:


Report of Officers


First Year Representatives Election

+ Feedback from the Meeting with Director of Computing Science

Open Floor

Approval of Minutes


This item will be the President discussing his meeting with the Director of Computing Science.


Sorry for the Spam,

Dusan Kovacevic


Subject: [CSSS] General Meeting Announcement: October 8th


Hello all,


Just a reminder that next Thursday the CSSS will be holding a meeting on Thursday October 8th.


This meeting will take place online on the CSSS Discord(https://discord.gg/sfucsss) in the General Meetings Voice Channel.


Location Details:

Day: October 8th, 2020

Time: 4:30pm-5:30pm

Location: Online on the CSSS Discord in the #General_Meetings Voice Channel


The following is the Agenda:

- Report of Officers

- Announcements

- First Year Representatives Election

- Open Floor

- Approval of Minutes


You are automatically a member of the CSSS if:


    A declared CMPT Major, Minor, or Honours in any program of study offered at the undergraduate level by the School of Computing Science;

    or currently enrolled in any undergraduate course offered by the School of Computing Science; or are an Honorary Member of the Society


Voting restricted to Members only.



Dusan Kovacevic


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